About us

We are here to support the development of the "whole child"

Our Philosphy

Our philosophy is to provide a high quality, secure, warm, caring and clean environment, which promotes the emotional, social, intellectual, and physical growth of your child. Our two main goals are to develop the character and socialization skills of your child. We are committed to learning, exploring, and supporting the development of the innate curiosity and love of learning. We believe each child is a little seed in need of nourishment in a well-prepared environment. Our staff is committed to planting the seeds of learning for a better future. 

The Montessori Method

Prepared Environment

Uncluttered and well structured environment which appeals to the children's interest

Freedom Within limit-Setting

Children are free in control of their self and their choices

Accommodations for different abilities

Use of individual materials permits a varied pace which accommodates many levels of ability

Non-Competitive Atmosphere

Children work independently and their progress is related to their previous work, not compared to the achievements of other children.

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